
Tech Proficiency 5

By Katherine

December 2, 2023

This week, the focus of EDIS 5070 was on differentiation/UDL. I decided to learn about mastery grids on my own, which are a type of differentiation.

Technology: Mastery grid (for differentiation)

Link to Proficiency: Statistics - Mastery Grid

Targeted Learners/Content area: Middle school math (8th grade)

Lesson objectives: Learn Virginia SOL standards 8.12 and 8.13, or how to create and analyze boxplots and scatterplots

Lesson context: A mastery grid is a tool that allows for self paced student learning and differentiation. Students are free to complete the activities in the mastery grid at their own pace following a mini lesson at the beginning of class. During the student work time, I would aim to conference with each student about their progress, and any misconceptions they have. Each step of the mastery grid is targeted at getting data on a specific checkpoint in the learning process, and each activity serves as a formative assessment, with a summative assessment at the end of each level. Ideal pacing would be for students to complete one letter per day, but students can work at their own pace. All students would need to complete through level 3 to achieve the Virginia SOL standards. 

Goal of technology use: The goal of the technology use is for students to be able to work independently at their own pace. I could in theory modify the mastery grid for specific students who needed more or less enrichment, but I want to have high expectations for all of my students, and all activities available. Using technology in this way also frees me up to conference with individual students.

Brief description of how technology will be used with students: Students will have access to the mastery grid through their LMS. Students would be expected to work independently, and flag me down if they have any questions. Students would also fill out an accountability form, where they would make daily and weekly goals for how much of the mastery grid they are aiming to complete.